8 AI Note Takers Ideal for Product Managers

Published on
September 11, 2023

Product managers go to a lot of meetings. It’s just part of the job. From engaging with stakeholders,  to keeping up with data and metrics, managing shifting deadlines, and answering resource management questions, a PM usually has a full calendar and a lot on their plate. This is why a note-taking tool is an essential AI tool for product managers. AI note-takers can instantly enhance your efficiency by making notes organized, easily searchable and accessible from anywhere. And leveraging artificial intelligence can help improve the experience and outcome of all of your meetings. Instead of typing notes, or losing track of the details, you can let your AI Note Taker handle the documentation, so you can focus on engaging in the conversation and delivering results.

Benefits of AI note takers for product managers

Adding an AI note-taker to your tech stack isn't just about keeping up with tech trends—it's about genuinely enhancing the way we work as product managers. From streamlining processes to improving collaboration, these meeting tools offer a ton of benefits for busy PMs. Let's break down the magic that AI note-taking brings to the table:

Increased efficiency: No more scrambling to jot down every detail. AI captures the essence, so you can focus on the discussion at hand.

Improved organization: Your meeting notes are structured and easy to navigate, ensuring that key points don't get lost in the shuffle.

Enhanced collaboration: Share insights seamlessly with team members, bridging gaps and ensuring everyone's on the same page.

Boosted productivity: With clearer meeting notes and a more organized workflow, you'll find that tasks are completed faster and with greater precision.

1. Spinach

Meet Spinach, your AI-powered meeting assistant. Spinach attends all your meetings, processes the information instantly, and gives you a smart, succinct summary of all the key takeaways. For all the different meetings that product managers have to navigate in a day, Spinach is there to document decisions, actions, and blockers to accelerate your team.

Instead of a lengthy word-for-word transcript (who has time for that?), Spinach gets right to the heart of the matter. It listens, evaluates, and then curates a sharp meeting summary. You're not left sifting through a wall of text; you just get the gold nuggets—the decisions and action items—delivered directly in Slack. 

And because Spinach was built specifically with Agile teams in mind, it seamlessly integrates into the Agile rhythm, ensuring that stand-ups, retrospectives, and sprint reviews are captured with precision. Whether your team uses Zoom or Google Meet, Spinach turns your meeting discussions into actionable items. 

2. Avoma

Avoma is an AI tool designed for capturing and analyzing meeting conversations, with the objective of converting verbal discussions into discernible insights. It offers transcription services, documenting the contents of meetings and categorizing different sections to highlight decisions, questions, and follow-up topics. The tool integrates with calendar apps and other platforms, aiming to fit within established workflows. Additionally, Avoma allows for the sharing of insights or specific segments of conversations with team members. One of its features includes an AI engine that suggests preparatory content derived from previous meetings, intended to aid in subsequent discussions or reviews.

3. Otter.ai

Otter.ai stands as one of the more recognized names in the realm of AI-driven transcription services. The primary function it offers is its real-time transcription, aiming to convert spoken words into text with a fair degree of accuracy. Features include automated speaker identification, keyword search within transcripts, and an option to export these transcriptions in various formats. Integrations with numerous platforms are also a part of Otter's offerings, facilitating ease of use in varied workflows. However, like many AI solutions, Otter's transcription accuracy can sometimes be influenced by external factors such as background noise or multiple speakers talking simultaneously. Additionally, while its core services are commendable, some users might find the interface less intuitive compared to other solutions in the market.

4. Fireflies

Fireflies takes a similar approach to AI transcription, with its own set of distinguishing features. At its essence, it logs meetings and turns them into transcribed documents. Users will find features like automated minute-taking, integrations with CRM tools, and capabilities to add custom notes or tags especially helpful. Moreover, Fireflies boasts of its ability to integrate with a plethora of video conferencing platforms, making it quite versatile. On the flip side, as the platform handles vast amounts of data, there can be occasional lags or delays in real-time transcription. Some users also note that while the transcriptions are generally reliable, they can occasionally miss or misinterpret specific nuances or terminologies in a discussion.

5. Mem

Mem is an AI-powered tool aiming to streamline the note-taking process, particularly during meetings. One of its standout features is the 'ambient capture', designed to effortlessly pick up and note down key points without manual input. This is complemented by its organization capabilities, allowing users to easily categorize and search through their notes based on topics, dates, or other criteria. Integrating with a number of popular workflow tools, Mem ensures users can incorporate it seamlessly into their daily tasks. However, while its ambient capture is innovative, there are times when it may not grasp every detail, especially in meetings with multiple discussions happening simultaneously. Moreover, some users might require a short learning curve to fully harness its array of features.

6. Dex

Dex positions itself as more than just a note-taker. Its core capability lies in relationship management, combining the features of a CRM with that of a note-taking tool. For individuals juggling numerous professional relationships, Dex offers reminders about following up, history logs of previous interactions, and even prompts for sending out personalized messages. Its integration capabilities are fairly robust, enabling users to sync their email, calendar, and even social media to get a holistic view of their contacts. However, the platform's note-taking capabilities, while functional, might not be as extensive as those dedicated solely to this purpose. Additionally, first-time users could feel a bit overwhelmed with its multitude of features and may need some time to navigate the platform efficiently.

7. Fathom

Fathom takes a distinct approach to note-taking, emphasizing a deeper understanding of content. The tool employs AI to analyze and provide insights into the essence of your notes, aiding users in making connections between ideas and enhancing retention. Fathom's interface is designed for easy navigation, allowing swift access to different note categories and emphasizing key points. It's particularly handy for those looking to not just jot down ideas but really comprehend and reflect on them. However, for those seeking a straightforward transcription service, Fathom's analytical features might seem excessive. Its depth-driven approach may not be everyone's cup of tea, especially if one is looking for swift, linear note-taking.

8. Obsidian

Obsidian stands out with its unique structure, focusing on building a knowledge base from your notes. It operates on the principle of linking thoughts, allowing users to create a web of interconnected ideas. Each note can be linked to another, making it a powerful tool for brainstorming sessions or complex projects where understanding the relationship between data points is crucial. Its markdown editor ensures that your notes are clean and easy to read. Plus, with its local-first data storage, your notes remain with you, ensuring data privacy. However, the interconnected structure might seem complex for newcomers, and it takes a bit of a learning curve to truly harness its potential. Also, those looking for more traditional hierarchical note structures might find Obsidian's approach a tad unconventional.

Get actionable takeaways from each meeting with Spinach

Now that you have a better understanding of the options out there, you’re ready to add an AI note taker to your project management workflow. Of course, what matters more than the meeting notes, is turning those conversations into results. That’s where Spinach really stands out, not just documenting discussions, but turning them into action items that accelerate your team. You get a smart summary, plus decisions and ticket suggestions on platforms you already use, like Slack and Jira. No sifting through pages of notes or parsing lengthy transcriptions. Just concise, actionable takeaways that move projects forward.

🚀 Ready to supercharge your meetings? Set up Spinach today and revolutionize your note-taking game! 

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